Join us in San Diego in October when Gail and Richard Pope again share their animal hospice expertise at the 5th annual International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC) conference. Attendees will experience “4 days of ground-breaking education in end-of-life” commencing on Thursday, October 1st.
The IAAHPC was the first animal hospice organization to form and includes members from all walks of life, including the veterinary community. Gail was a founding member of this organization.
Sharing a Wealth of Knowledge About The Animal Dying Experience
![Oliver & Sgt. Pepper](
Gail and Richard give many presentations that deal with the art of dying, animal hospice care, restorative living and natural, hospice-supported death. Since 1990 BrightHaven has lovingly helped animals at all stages of life: in youth, middle age, old age, in sickness and also through the dying process. In doing so they have assisted more than 600 animals through the end of their lives in peace, comfort and dignity.
One of their key consistent messages: It’s important for all of us to learn about death and embrace it for its part in the circle of life. With birth, it IS the most natural thing in life and happens to us all.
Gail and Richard’s IAAHPC presentation is entitled “The Animal Dying Experience” and explores the signs and symptoms experienced by animals who are dying. They share how you, the caregiver/companion, may observe none, some or all of these symptoms during an animal’s last days and hours on earth, just as with humans. You will also learn things to do that can help ease these symptoms and comfort your animal.
This presentation concentrates only on the last two stages of life–the early phase and the final phase of active dying and the signs and symptoms of each. They’ll also show the audience several videos of BrightHaven animals at the end of their lives and one animal who has a surprise in store!
For more information on the conference:
New BrightHaven Booklet About the Animal Dying Experience
![Drawing by Our Own Blanca Walker](
In conjunction with the IAAHPC presentation and as part of BrightHaven’s expanding education program, we are releasing a new booklet entitled, Soar, My Butterfly: The Animal Dying Experience.
Gail created this booklet to provide both knowledge and comfort to those who are accompanying a beloved animal companion on the journey to transition. It is written as a simple guide to the signs and symptoms that you may encounter during the final stages of actual dying–a process that may begin several months before death finally occurs.
Since no two deaths are ever exactly the same, as each being approaches and experiences death in their own unique way, this booklet serves as an overview of what you might expect to see and when it might happen. The booklet shares, in brief form, the meaning of what you see, as well as what you can do to help.
Soar, My Butterfly: The Animal Dying Experience and Gail’s last book The BrightHaven Guide to Animal Hospice (focusing on living well as preparation for dying well; currently available on Amazon) will be available at the BrightHaven booth at the conference. Stop by and say hello!
We’ll let you know as soon as soon as Soar, My Butterfly: The Animal Dying Experience is available on Amazon!