Unconditional Acceptance & What Animals Teach Us: No Matter What, All is Well

Unconditional acceptance is an integral part of living well and fully through the last breath, although it’s certainly not always easy, particularly in challenging situations such as the looming loss of a loved one. In the first two sections, I share uplifting content about unconditional acceptance from the recent book BrightHaven President and Founder Gail … Read more

Latest Animal Caregiver FAQ: What is BrightHaven’s Approach to Grief?

The death of a treasured animal companion is one of the most difficult things we as animal lovers ever face. In our experience, this loss may be more difficult than that of a human family member due to the comforting constant companionship and unconditional love that animals bring into our lives. What Animals Have Taught … Read more

Every Day is the Perfect Day to Celebrate the Healing Power of Love!

Although February is often associated with romantic love, it’s the perfect time to celebrate all kinds, including the soul-FULL love and appreciation we share with our animal family. At BrightHaven, we believe that love is such an essential, transformative and powerful healing energy, it is the guiding force of our work. The importance of love … Read more

New BrightHaven book: How can animals inspire you to live well & fully?

We are so excited to announce the latest BrightHaven book, GRATEFUL for Animals: Spiritual Comfort & Wisdom in Life’s Last Chapter! BrightHaven President and Founder Gail Pope and I, BrightHaven Education Program Manager Carol Hulse, honor the human-animal bond as we gently explore the many ways animals are indeed wise and wonderful guides and companions … Read more

How Does Mother Nature’s Healing Power Help Us Live Fully?    

Have you ever wondered how all beings are instinctively drawn to Mother Nature’s awesome healing and nurturing power? I’ve learned that her slower pace and regenerative properties effortlessly help us feel more whole, peaceful, calm and clear, and bring us back to the present moment and a sense of aliveness and possibility. Perhaps that’s one … Read more

What Have Animals Taught Us About Life-Affirming Love & Relationships?

Through our work and play with animals for over 30 years at BrightHaven, we learned that love is such an essential, transformative and powerful healing energy, it became the guiding force of our work, directing our choices and our interactions with animals and people. And the unconditional love that animals naturally share provides us with a … Read more

How Forgiveness Can Help You to Live Well Each & Every Day!

Animals can teach us a lot about releasing the past and moving forward after experiencing challenging and hurtful situations. We would be anthropomorphizing (attributing human behavior and characteristics) if we concluded that they forgave. Instead, their apparent resilience may spring from their natural inclination to live in the present moment and in alignment with Source, … Read more

Lessons from Our Animals: What Are 3 Uplifting Opportunities of Grief?

The word “opportunity” may not come to mind when you’re emotionally reeling from the loss of a loved one. But as with most of the events we face in life – even the painful, heartbreaking ones – grieving holds many possibilities to deepen our capacity to grow and to love. Life-changing lessons are often found … Read more

Celebrate the Tremendous Healing Power of Love Each & Every Day!

At BrightHaven, love has always been a guiding force behind everything we do, guiding our choices and our interactions with animals and people. The BrightHaven Menu for Healing, which forms the foundation of our work, is also known as the “Love Sandwich” as it begins and ends with love. The profound effects of love in … Read more

What Can Promote Healing in Your Animals & You?

Over the years, animals have repeatedly shown us that balance of body, mind and spirit is essential to healing. In fact, that’s what drew us into the world of holistic healthcare! Their wisdom helped us to create the BrightHaven Menu for Healing that forms the foundation of our work. And it is designed to achieve … Read more