At BrightHaven, love has always been a guiding force behind everything we do, guiding our choices and our interactions with animals and people. The BrightHaven Menu for Healing, which forms the foundation of our work, is also known as the “Love Sandwich” as it begins and ends with love. The profound effects of love in healing cannot be over-stated!
Scientific Proof of Love’s Healing Effect
We’ve learned that insufficient love is the root cause of dis-ease as it makes people sick, both directly and indirectly. The remarkable Bruce Lipton (stem cell biologist) illustrated the power of love with a story several years ago at a conference attended by BrightHaven’s Gail and Richard Pope. He explained how a single healthy cell was place in a room filled with hatred – people arguing, quarrelling and shouting at each other.
This cell was then placed under a microscope and was observed to be in the dying process. It was then taken into a room filled with people in love, filled with joy and happiness. That same cell instantly began to regenerate back to its healthy state.
HeartMath researchers have found the impact of love itself is real and biochemically measurable. According to Lipton in his 2012 “Biology of Love” interview, “When subjects focus their attention on the heart and activate a core heart feeling, such as love, appreciation, or caring, these emotions immediately shift their heartbeat rhythms into a more coherent pattern. Increasing heartbeat coherence activates a cascade of neural and biochemical events that affect virtually every organ in the body.”
The HeartMath site states that “learning to generate increased heart rhythm coherence, by sustaining positive emotions, not only benefits the entire body, but also profoundly affects how we perceive, think, feel, and perform.” More evidence that love is indeed a powerful healing force!
Here are three inspiring quotes that speak to the transcendent healing power and eternal nature of love:
BrightHaven Caregiver Resources to Help Your Animal Live Well Each and Every Day!

(Photo by in joy photography)
- Do you have questions about how BrightHaven’s holistic healing or animal hospice care approaches can help your animal? Book a consultation with Gail by sending an email to
- Follow Your Heart: Navigating a Terminal Diagnosis¬ – helps you walk this often-challenging path with a deeper sense of peace, confidence and clarity. (Author: Gail Pope, BrightHaven President and Founder)
- The BrightHaven Guide to Animal Hospice – learn how to care for your animal companions in their Golden Years and through the end of life. (Author: Gail Pope)
- Soar My Butterfly: The Animal Dying Experience – a simple guide to the signs and symptoms you may encounter during the final stages of the natural dying process. (Author: Gail Pope)
- BrightHaven Online Learning – help your loved one live the best life possible each and every day! We share what we’ve learned about holistic healing, animal hospice and living and dying well by following the wisdom of the animals since 1990.
LATEST ONLINE COURSE! BrightHaven Holistic Animal Hospice: Navigating a Terminal Diagnosis

(Photo by Beth Shields)
- Walking with My Dog Through (End of) Life – an intimate look at a profound life passage, from terminal diagnosis through hospice care and a peaceful, gentle natural death. (Author: Carol Howe Hulse, BrightHaven Education Program Manager)
For more resources and information to help you help your furry family member, please visit BrightHaven’s Caregiver Resources & Education and Animal Caregiver FAQ.
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